Tuesday, 29 December 2009

A touch of the 'Mavericks'

Hi Folks. Gosh, this family does do a lot. They took me with them to play Bridge at a friend's house. Sarah is always complaining about the sort of hands that she gets but this one looked fine to me.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Party Time

Before David and Sarah set off on their round the world jaunt they took me to their annual Boxing Day get-together with Sarah's brother and sister in law. While I was there I got very tired as I am only a young frog so I lay down with some self-illuminated balloons round me, put my head on a used cracker and went to sleep. I dreamed about nice juicy flies as there aren't many about at Christmas time so nice juicy treats aren't for me (sob). I may get some nice fat mosquitoes later on - hopefully before they bite Sarah!

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Am I packed ???

Nearly ready to heave ho. Frankie's travel adventures are about to begin. Check back here for updates from January.