Frankie is David and Sarah's global travelling companion. He loves nothing more than telling their friends about all their adventures while travelling round the world.
Monday, 29 March 2010
This boat hit a reef and nearly sank. Just one more trepidatious(?) episode.
Friends of mine fish-watching in a market in Thailand.
That’s what it says folks.
I wasn’t really won in a raffle.
Compared to him I’m a bit ‘armless.
Wow! I bit of shade at last but this hat is a bit large for me.
I wish that I could close my eyes!
We stopped at a smelly fishing Village. I needed a drink
Sunday, 7 March 2010
We’re now in super-hot, super-humid (90%+) Borneo. Sarah took me to see some larger friends that looked more human than some humans I’ve seen. She came across this girl playing a xylophone. I tried playing a piece about frogs but couldn’t think of any. Never mind – back to ‘Chopsticks’.